Truth, Understanding, Insight

History of Holocaust

10th March 2007, hej


6) The utimate Holocaust

All holocausts, including the sacrifices made by the Fathers, those made under the law for atonement and even those made by the Protesters and the subsequent sacrifices are patterns that point to the sacrifice for all time, that of Y'shua who ascended up, and the ultimate deliverance for all time, that of life for-ever.

And it does not matter whether we suffer or do not suffer, or whether our life is short or long, or whether we make a great sacrifice or not, as in the end we will all, in the normal course of events, die. In the same way, all the sacrifices that make the types and patterns are of no eternal value, they cannot give life for-ever.

However, the types and patterns are designed to show us how Yahweh has chosen to deliver us. Acknowledging the rightness of Yahweh's choice will not come naturally to us. Yahweh seems to have made it that way as we need to learn to be obedient and acknowledge that His way is right and that He has the right to make the rules.

There is a corollary to the understanding that the meaning of the Hebrew word for the atoning sacrifice means 'to ascend'. If the most relevant feature of the atoning sacrifice was that it ascended, it follows that this is the most relevant feature of Y'shua's sacrifice. Just as the ashes of the beast did nothing, the death of Y'shua, of itself, did nothing. Y'shua's death was his obedience.

There was no power in this act of obedience until Y'shua had been resurrected and had ascended.We are to remember the death, or the obedience, but we are saved in the resurrection, in that we, also in similitude, will be raised up to claim the promised inheritance.

For more on the consuming fire, See articleOur Merciful God is a consuming Fire

The book the Enduring Earth gives more information on the inheritanceAn Enduring Earth
