Truth, Understanding, Insight

History of Holocaust

10th March 2007, hej


5) What about the Suffering of the Holocaust?

The reason many say God cannot exist is that they say a God cannot allow suffering. In this they say that life of itself is valuable and that life without hurt or pain is the only good. However, many who experience hardship acknowledge the great gain they have by their suffering, indicating that suffering may of itself be 'good'. In any case, if there is a God, life is a gift of that God. Certainly Yahweh's word indicates it is his right to give and to take, to hurt and heal. That some should die young in sacrifice for others will not lessen their chance of life for-ever. In fact quite the contrary (Luke 17:33).

Some Christians believe Y'shua died instead of them. This, on examination, seems a dangerous simplification and may lead to a perception that since his sacrifice no-one need die. Y'shua's sacrifice cannot mean that we need not die in the same way, as there is ample evidence to show that many people have been burnt or killed for their beliefs. In many cases, they have gladly followed their saviour's example. Why did people have to die when standing up for the principle of freedom of belief, if their actions were in accordance with Yahweh's will? They were a sacrifice so that we, today, in certain countries, can freely profess our beliefs. Again the principle is that deliverance is not gained without sacrifice of life.

This principle is fundamental to the system of the world as the Creator has made it since Eden. It is possible that many who died in the Holocaust may have rejoiced that their death gave real freedom to their people. How many times in remembrance of war here in Australia is it said of those that died that their lives were given in sacrifice for their country?

See articleANZACS and Sacrifice

Noah understood this. When he was delivered after the flood, he offered a burnt offering that ascended up of all the clean animals. It is recorded that Yahweh was pleased at this action. He was not pleased that the animals died, but rather he was pleased that Noah understood his great principle of deliverance: that deliverance is not without a sacrifice.

The Holocaust was a great offering that lead to the deliverance of the people of Israel and their inheritance of the Land. It is a 'type' at a national level. The specific individuals who died would gain personal eternal deliverance based on their relationship with Yahweh.
