Truth, Understanding, Insight

Providence with Kings.(2 Kings 8)

17th July 2005, hej


2) Providence in Three Lives

The events to this point are extraordinary enough. However, the account matter-of-factly recounts a little incident of judgement. When we consider we see an incredible co-incidence of events.

It so happens that the king, who has an interest in the workings of Yahweh through Elisha due to the recent miraculous deliverance, finds Gehazi, the leper and asks him to tell of all of the miracles that Elisha has done. Here is the answer to the King of Israel's question. Elisha's work proves Yahweh is worthy to be served due to his great power. Gehazi the leper is there and he was a witness to the miracles. This is a remarkable co-incident event.

Yahweh then takes one more step to prove to the king of Israel the veracity of Gehazi's report. Just as he is speaking of the miracle of the raising of the son of the Shunammite woman to life, it is at that instant in time that the woman attempts to approach the King for his judgement. She is evidence of the miracle or resurrection, miraculously produced then and there before the King. The record says that he 'asks her and she told him'. This very simple statement must conceal a whole ritual of an approach to the king and the presenting of a case. Almost certainly Elisha would have been mentioned. We are not told the details, only the outcome: that a eunuch is appointed to restore the land and all the increase of the land she had lost. The king of Israel is convinced.

It seems that this king is Joram, who is marked for destruction by Jehu. It is only when he starts working with his nephew, Ahaziah the king of Judah, to fight against Hazael he is destroyed. Hazael with Jehu were identified by Elijah as the instruments of Yahweh's judgement (1 Kings 19:15). Despite this, Yahweh worked with Joram for as long as He could to show His power.

We are left with much to ponder. The complexity of the situation means that it is foolish to ask questions such as, was Gehazi sent by Yahweh to help the Shunammite woman obtain her land back? For it is equally true to say that the issue of land may have been made by Yahweh to send the woman to Joram as evidence to demonstrate His power to the king of Israel.

The point of the whole record is to show the active relationships between, Yahweh and his spokesman Elisha and the people of Israel. To show that Yahweh Elohim can work with kings and armies while also the ordering of events of the individual. Here we have just one incident among many where we can be amazed at the complexity of inter-action by Yahweh Elohim that “works for good” (Romans 8:28) at all levels simultaneously, even when it appears He is not acting or re-acting at all.
