Truth, Understanding, Insight

The Tents of Shem

22nd July 2005, hej


5) Spiritual Significance of dwelling in the Tents of Shem.

But also it seems that through the Japhethite empire building Yahweh’s name and purpose has been spread to all the isles of the Gentiles. To the Japhetites was given the task of conquering to make evangelising ‘the name’ possible. Some Japethites gave up their native religions and took on another foreign Semitic ‘name’ (Yeshua – Yah shall save) and in that sense too they dwell in the tents of ‘Shem’ or the ‘name’.

Noah's Prophecy Still Being Fulfilled

The ultimate fulfillment of Noah’s prophecy will come when the King of the North makes a servant of the Canaanite, when they come into Jerusalem in the last days. But ultimately the Land designated as Canaan, from Sidon to Gaza and from Sodom to Lasha, is to be given to the Shemites, or those of the Name. Zechariah speaks of all the nations coming to serve at the house of prayer for all nations at Jerusalem, and says, “in that day there shall be no more the Canaanite in the house of the LORD of hosts.”(Zech 14:21)

And this, almost the last book of the Hebrew Scriptures brings us back to the first and Noah’s prophecy, where the Canaanite was cursed by Noah. If all nations are to come and there is at that time no more the Canaanite, then Zechariah, in effect, says ‘at that day’, when all shall serve Yahweh Noah’s curse will end. No more Canaanite means no more curse.

Noah was not speaking about the natural physical descendants of Canaan, for it is clear there is to be no racial annihilation, but rather about the occupiers of the land from Sidon to Gaza. Naturally, when YaHWeH occupies the Land there is no more ‘Canaan’.

Noah gave a summary of the international struggle over the Land of Israel. And that won't end until there is no more Cananite and where all nations worship at Jerusalem.


Gilbert, Martin (1998) Israel a History, Doubleday, London

Crombie, Kelvin (1998) Anzacs, Empires and Israel's Restoration, VET Publications, Australia

Magnusson, Magnus(2000) in The Vikings, Tempus, Gloucestershire
