Truth, Understanding, Insight

The Tents of Shem

22nd July 2005, hej


3) Shem and Japheth in the Latter days

Yahweh was to be the Mighty Ones of the Shemites. Shem means ‘name’ or those of the name. However, though Japheth was not the seed, the Japhethites had an important role in Yahweh’s purpose with the earth. Genesis says of Japhethites that by them were the isles of the Gentiles divided in their lands. Historians locating the names place Japheth in Europe. Truly from the Japhetites we have empire builders, those that ‘expand’ as Japheth means, and make their dwelling in the tents of others. Alexander the great, was a Macedonian, a Japhetite and he lead the Greeks! The Romans arguably are Japhethites and they conquered Britain.

It is Japheth in recent history that has marked the lines on the map and carved up the world between them. In 1815 the Big Four determining the fate of nations were Russia, Austria, Prussia and Britian. In 1918 at Versailles the great powers ordering the world were, USA, Britain and France. Russia, of course, being in revolution. The post WW2 world was shaped at Teheran, Yalta and Potsdam by the USA, Britain, France and USSR and they kept on shaping the world through the new United Nations, specifically, the Middle East. All these are Japheth fulfilling their role assigned at the beginning of the post flood era, around 2500BC. As Daniel writes, “the Most High rules in the kingdoms of men” (Dan 4:17).
