Articles by Date
Adam to Messiah
14th Feb 2012, hej.I like sharing interesting things. This article comes from a recollection of my Hebrew teacher from Jerusalem based eTeacher and features the beauty of the Hebrew Language.
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Isaiah 9:6 The sign of the Mighty Warrior
3rd Sep 2010, hej.This is in response to a question directed to us. Does Isaiah 9:6, which gives the title of a promised king of Israel, calling him 'Wonderful, counsellor, everlasting father, Prince of Peace', show Jesus as God? Firstly we will investigate the context, and who the passage is about. Then we will determine whether it even mentions 'God' in the title of the promised king in the Hebrew text. ... More

Messiah Christ
12th Mar 2010, hej.Many people have heard of Jesus Christ. Many use 'Christ' as a surname. But it is not a surname, it is a title. ... More
Sons of Greece & the Sons of Zion
17th Oct 2009, hej.... More
Absence & Ninth of Av- Tisha B'Av
28th Jul 2009, hej.This day the Ninth of Av (30 July 2009) is not a memorial given by God. It is a Jewish day for mourning the evil of the sudden absence of God that came with the destruction of the Temple (twice, on the same date, the Ninth of Av, 660 years apart), and 65 years later on the same date, in 135AD the destruction of the last Jewish fortress of the Bar Kochba revolt from Rome, after 3 years of Jewish independence in the Holy Land. ... More
The Redeemer in the book of Ruth
24th May 2009, seh,mjh.The Bible, as no other book, is layered in rich detail, with every page speaking of salvation. Real events of the life of Ruth recorded in the Bible, remarkably, show the pattern of redemption. ... More