Articles by Date

Watchman, what of the night?
26th Jun 2013, hej.For the night of July 22/23, 2013 there is a supermoon (perigee full moon). So we might ask 'what of the night?'
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Eclipse: Europe & Britain's relationship as Arabia Unites
26th Dec 2011, hej.Did the full eclipse of the moon on the 8th December 2011 on the Sabbath (10th December) have any significance? Curiously it coincided with a dramatic event in the politcal 'heavens.'
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Queen of the South: Britain & Arabia
29th Nov 2010, hej.There has been a subtle shift in the centre of transatlantic power since 2007, from the US to Britain, from New York to London. The Queen of England's visit to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Oman revives recollections of the dominant role of Britain in the Southern parts of the Middle East. And Britain has signalled, they are back. ... More