Truth, Understanding, Insight

Why is Psalm 145 missing a verse?

29th July 2012, hej


3) Y'shua (Joshua) son of Nun

The letter has a name, נון which is the same as for a person, which indicates it had a meaning. According to Strongs 'nun' is from a word which means, 'to resprout, that is, propagate by shoots; figuratively, to be continued.'

It is used directly of David.

Psa 72:17 יהי שׁמו לעולם לפני־שׁמשׁ ינין שׁמו ויתברכו בו כל־גוים יאשׁרוהו׃

May his name endure for ever; may his name be continued as long as the sun; may men also bless themselves by him; may all nations call him happy. (Psa 72:17)

The sages interpret the verb yinon ינין in this verse to refer to the Messiah, and may be literally read as "may His Name Nun (propagate)."

Jews also note that the name David in its Hebrew letters adds up to 14, and nun is the 14th letter of the Alef-bet.

Topics: Psalm