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4) Future Peace on Earth
Malachi 3:1-3 speaks of the Lord coming to his temple. The Messiah's first coming did not fulfil this prophecy completely as we read in verse 12 that “all nations shall call you blessed for ye shall be a delightsome land.” Since A.D, 70, Israel could not be regarded as a delightsome land. It has seen conflict and desolation. The temple was destroyed and that temple had not been built in accordance with the divine design and specifications, which have been extensively detailed in the book of Ezekiel, and which comprise a large proportion of that book of the Bible.The themes that occur in all the prophets include the regathering of Israel after being dispersed among many nations; a shaking of the earth as in an earthquake; Yahweh's House of Prayer for all nations in the mountain of the Lord, which is Zion; Jerusalem as a holy city; Yahweh's Law going forth from Jerusalem and people from all nations going to Jerusalem to worship Yahweh.
The Psalms make frequent references to a time of peace and a temple that would be established in Jerusalem. There was no temple built in Jerusalem during David's lifetime, but David longed for the time when the Lord would reign in Jerusalem. Just a few of the many references to this time of peace and righteous rule that are found in the Psalms are recorded below.
Psalm 2.”Yet have I set my king upon the holy hill of Zion.”
Psalm 15. “God's Tabernacle” and God's dwelling place are mentioned.
Psalm 24 refers to the “hill of the Lord” and parallels the gate in Ezekiel's prophecy.
Psalm 48:1, 8 looks forward to the time when God will dwell in His city forever.
Psalm 68: 18,29 states that kings will bring presents to “thy temple at Jerusalem.”
Psalm 72 beautifully depicts the time when all nations will worship God in Jerusalem.
Psalm 96:7-10 states “come into his courts” to worship and to bring offerings.”
Psalm 99:9. “Worship at his holy hill.”
Psalm 138:2-4. “I will worship towards thy holy temple” and “kings of the earth shall praise thee.”
There are many Psalms that place the worship of Yahweh, the God of Israel, in Jerusalem, when both Jew and Gentile will bring offerings to the Temple.
The writings of the Prophets are generally dismissed as having been fulfilled and Israel cast off. Much has been 'spiritualised' in the concept of a 'spiritual house of faithful believers'. The faithful in the Bible are styled a 'spiritual' house, but this does not give any reason for the negation of the promises detailed in the Prophetic writings. At the beginning of this article, it was shown that Jesus and the Apostles endorsed the writings of the Prophets. They frequently quoted from the old testament. The constant reference by the prophets to the House of the Lord, the mountain, the city of the Lord, the offerings, the law, those who travel out of all nations to worship at Jerusalem, the pots, the bowls, the transportation of people from afar and many other aspects of a new world order are far too literal to be ignored and to do so could be to our peril.
Finally there is the repeated promise that:
“As truly as I live, all the Earth shall be filled with the glory of the Lord (Yahweh).” Numbers 14:21; Hab 2:14; Psalm 72:19; Isaiah 11:9.
Jesus (Yeshua) endorsed Isaiah when he quoted the words of Isaiah 56:7 saying to the Jews, “My house 'shall' be called the house of prayer; but you have made it a den of thieves.” He envisaged a future Temple, a future time, when justice, peace and righteousness will prevail on this earth. This is clearly indicated by His use of the future tense, 'shall.'.
In Romans we are advised to give heed to the scriptures, which is a reference to the writings of the Old Testament. It is from the reading of these writings that our faith will increase. This advice comes from the Apostles, Paul and our Messiah. What better advice could there be than the words of Romans 10:17:
So faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.>