Before anyone condemns the pastor who thinks that the NZ earthquakes came because of the immorality as being 'unscientific': think again. Science knows nothing of why quakes occur when they do or why they form new fault-lines. Science knows nothing of why for years the quakes go one way on a fault, then suddenly go another way. Science uses words like 'enigmatic'
The Remarkable Enigmatic Quake
IFL Science!
The terrifying and enigmatic earthquakes that struck New Zealand last weekend were powerful enough to cause part of the seafloor to lift up to 2 meters (6.6 feet) into the air. Although this doesn’t mean that the entire country has tilted upwards by this amount, the fact that this sort of uplift has been seen at all is truly remarkable.
Dr Joshu Mountjoy, a marine geologist at the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA), told the Sydney Morning Herald, “I've never seen it before during an earthquake and it's the first time we've seen something like this,” he said. iflscience.com
This quake at a little past midnight on Sunday was complex and ripped open a new fault line.
Rapid field reconnaissance indicates that multiple faults have ruptured:
Kekerengu Fault at the coast – appears to have had up to 10m of slip
Newly identified fault at Waipapa Bay
Hope Fault – seaward segment – minor movement
Hundalee Fault
In the simplest case an earthquake is a rupture on a single fault plane. What we are finding in New Zealand is that quite a few of our larger earthquakes involve jumping from rupture on one plane to another in a complex sequence. We first saw that with the Darfield Sept 2010 EQ where multiple segments together ruptured together as a single earthquake. We appear to have seen this again overnight.
It looks like there were two main quakes: one was a strike-slip and the other was a thrust fault. thespinoff.co.nz
In this context of a new fault line we should take into consideration science that suggests that quakes may open new faults rather than occur on old ones. “Perhaps these 'newly discovered' faults were unknown because they weren't actually there before the earthquakes occurred.” www.predictweather.co.nz
David Love a Senior Seismologist in Adelaide in a 2013 Paper argues that The ‘Earthquakes happen on fault lines’ paradigm needs to be critically reviewed. He shows that “stress transfer in the zone may be much more important than the faults.” www.aees.org.au

Which raises the question as to why the stresses are where they are. It is trite to say 'because of movement' as no movement of the planet, or on the planet, is fundamentally explained by science. Nobody has explained why the earth is moving in an irregular ellipse, when it ought to be travelling in a straight line. Isaac Newton wrote this was caused by God's moment to moment control (as stated in the Bible Psalm 19:4), and nobody has explained it any other way. Likewise nobody has explained why the movement of the earth's crust is uneven (stated in the Bible 2 Peter 3:5). We can model such behaviour in gas and fluid, but in all cases we have input energy. So where is the input energy for the earth's dynamic internal processes coming from? The earth ought to be like other planets and the moon, an unmoving rock.
Kerry & CO2
The weirdness of the New Zealand 7.8 Kaikoura Quake on November 14 hasn't ended there. Bubbles have now appeared as a phenomenon at Kaikoura,
"What we are seeing here is something of extreme scientific value, and also a really interesting place for tourists to come ... and see some of the impact of the earthquake."Testing will follow, but Hughes believes it is "outgassing", possibly CO2, emanating from new fractures in rock layers deep below. www.9news.com.au
Now the plot thickens and the irony of the CO2 being released to atmosphere is seen when we realise that John Kerry was in New Zealand making statements about CO2...
Kerry is the highest-ranked US diplomat to visit the ice, and his trip this week included a tour of the New Zealand-run Scott Base, as well as a helicopter trip to witness the effects of climate change www.stuff.co.nz/national
I had an amazing opportunity to really move around by helicopter and get a sense of the majesty and awe of the place. But most important I think is really vital science being done with respect to the critical knowledge we need about the western sheet – the West Antarctic Ice Sheet – and what the melt rate is, what the potential impact will be. nz.usembassy.gov
Kerry said regarding the threat of President Elect Trump to the agreement to limit CO2 made in Paris,
"The question now is ... how we will implement the Paris Agreement. We intend to do everything possible to meet our responsibilities to address this threat to life itself on this planet." radionz.co.nz

Apart from the irony of John Kerry's flying about having a huge personal impact, we can see that God may be making a comment about CO2 by releasing so much CO2 it bubbles out of the sea as a lovely scientist and tourist attracting phenomena.
Quake targeted the NZ Government
But then we noticed the type of buildings noted as damaged,
Three have been confirmed to have structural damage: 61 Molesworth Street,Statistics New Zealand's headquarters and Reading Cinema's parking building.
RNZ has kept a running list of all the buildings in Wellington affected since the quake last Monday morning. Tenants in the six-year-old Asteron Centre on Featherston Street include Inland Revenue and the Civil Aviation Authority. Staff in the building, including 500 Inland Revenue employees and hundreds of others, have been told to stay away tomorrow. radionz.co.nz
Meanwhile, several other buildings in the city have been evacuated due to the quake risk. They are: - 61 Molesworth St - 40 Taranaki St - BNZ Building, 60 Waterloo Quay
- 1-15 Pipitea St (building that houses GCSB [Spies])
- Tennyson Apartments, 25 Tennyson St, Te Aro
- Freyberg House (NZ Defence Force HQ), 2-12 Aitken St
- 40 Simpl House, Mercer St - Courtney Central car park - James Smith car park - Malvina Major Retirement Home, 134 Burma Road, Johnsonville - one building evacuated
Spy agencies evacuated: The building housing New Zealand's security agencies has been cordoned off – and the street closed – because of fears of falling debris. The GCSB, SIS and the National Assessments Bureau are based in the central Wellington building known as Pipitea House. The $90m building was designed by Athfield Architects and built as a joint venture between the Wellington Tenths Trust and Redwood Group. A handful of staff were at work yesterday, but most stayed at home. A source told 1 NEWS there were concerns about masonry falling onto passers-by on the street below. www.tvnz.co.nz
They buildings are not that old but are specific and related to key parts of the Government, including revenue, defence and security. The Parliament building was forced to become a hostel.
Around 100 people, including children sleeping on floors and benches, were camped out in the distinctive parliament "Beehive" building. /www.news18.com

Why the government? What has the NZ government been up to? They were even interrupted,
An earthquake has interrupted Parliament - during a session on the Kaikoura earthquake and recovery.
It was one interjection that couldn't be ignored - a large aftershock has rattled Parliament as Finance Minister Bill English spoke about the Kaikoura earthquake recovery. English was answering a question when the 5.6 magnitude aftershock was felt. It rattled and shook buildings in the Parliamentary precinct, including the press gallery. After pausing, English was asked a follow-up question, and said, "this time I'll be more careful about what I say".
Labour leader Andrew Little said the earthquake was unusual in that most of the country experienced sizeable tremors. "The forces that collapsed entire cliff faces, ripped apart roads...were truly awesome forces." NZherald
For a Bible loving Christian it turns out the NZ government was up to something with the American Government which might very well make us think and ponder God's role in Quakes,
U.S. State Department spokesman John Kirby told CBS News correspondent Margaret Brennan that all U.S. personnel in the capital Wellington have been accounted for in the wake of the earthquake. Sec. John Kerry had left the country before it struck, and just landed in Singapore on his way to Oman when news of the quake was reported.
Kirby later released a statement saying Kerry had spoken by phone to New Zealand Foreign Minister Murray McCully to offer condolences for the loss of life in the earthquake, and wished well all those who suffered injuries.
The quake temporarily knocked out New Zealand’s emergency call number, 111, police reported. cbsnews
John Key noted
Glasses broke and furniture moved at Premier House, the official prime ministerial residence in Wellington, Mr. Key said. He had stayed there overnight after meeting with Secretary of State John Kerry, who was on a state visit there and to Antarctica. www.nytimes.com
Before the quake it was reported,
Kerry arrives back in Christchurch on Saturday evening before jetting to Wellington for a two-day stopover to meet Prime Minister John Key and Foreign Minister Murray McCully and discuss bilateral and global issues, particularly matters currently before the United Nations Security Council, including the Syria crisis.
He will also attend a wreath-laying ceremony at Pukeahu National War Memorial Park and unveil a plaque for a future US War Memorial in the park.
Kerry is scheduled to fly out of New Zealand later on Sunday. Kerry's tour will also include Oman, the United Arab Emirates, Morocco and Peru, and will wind up on November 18. nzherald.co.nz
What happens at first appears to be innocuous, but note the reference to the security council
Kerry praised New Zealand's leadership at a meeting with John Key on Sunday. United States Secretary of State John Kerry has described his country's relationship with New Zealand as being "as good as it's ever been". Kerry met with Prime Minister John Key in Wellington on Sunday, and said he "couldn't be more grateful for the extraordinary leadership New Zealand provides".
Kerry and Key sat down with officials at Premier House in Wellington on Sunday morning.. Kerry flew into Wellington on Saturday night after a visit to Antarctica.
The ill-fated TPPA was back on the agenda when Key met Kerry on Sunday. The ill-fated Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) was back on the agenda, even though it has effectively been stymied by a Donald Trump victory in the US presidential elections. This came on the back of questions about climate change - an area Kerry has spent much of his time working to progress policy - and whether Trump (a disbeliever) might walk away from it.
He also acknowledged New Zealand's contribution to "global peace and security" with special mention to our recent chairing of the United Nations Security Council. stuff.co.nz
But there was a closed door discussion, McCully met Kerry for about 40 minutes behind closed doors this morning where they discussed topics high on the UN Security Council agenda, including the Syria crisis. (see NZherald
One of the closed-door discussions between United States Secretary of State John Kerry and the New Zealand Government today was a potential resolution by the United Nations Security Council on a two-state solution for the Israel - Palestinian conflict.
After the talks, Foreign Minister Murray McCully even raised the possibility of the US or New Zealand sponsoring a resolution. "It is a conversation we are engaged in deeply and we've spent some time talking to Secretary Kerry about where the US might go on this. "It is something that is still in play," McCully told reporters after talks today in Wellington.
McCully is leaving for the Middle East tomorrow to meet with leaders and counterparts in Jordan, Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories.
Making some progress on the conflict has been one of New Zealand's primary aims on its two years on the Security Council, which end next month, but the immediate situation in Syria has taken a great deal of attention away from it.
McCully said that Donald Trump's Administration was going to have to reflect on where it wanted to go after it took power in January "but I think there are some very important decisions that the Obama Administration is going to have to make in its lame-duck period on this issue."
New Zealand's preference was for one of the countries from the region to advance a resolution to the Security Council, he said. "We've always said we deferred to that but we'd do something ourselves if there was no one stepping up."
He said there were indications a resolution from the Arab group wanted to focus on settlements. New Zealand preferred something focused more broadly on the two-state-solution that protected its status as the accepted international basis for a resolution. "But that is something that the US system is digesting post the election results as well," he said.
"They also believe the two-state solution has been under serious threat and that some form of restatement, reassertion of that principle is called for. "Whether that means they would initiate their own resolution or support one from somewhere else is obviously dependent upon political developments in the US and the actual words that get put to paper."
McCully said it would be a very serious development if the two-state solution was abandoned. "If that is the case, it follows that you start to look at the two different standards of citizenship that exists in the one country that remains and that is not a path that any friend of Israel would want to see them go down." nzherald
An observer Stan Goodenough noted
The earthquake Monday struck just hours after visiting US Secretary of State John Kerry ended a number of closed-door meetings in Wellington with Prime Minister John Key and members of his government.
While Kerry was reportedly in that part of the world on business related to the Obama administration’s ‘climate change’ policy – he flew from Christchurch to Antarctica and back that weekend – this might have been a smokescreen designed to hide his real purpose: an effort to finalise a US-NZ understanding concerning the creation of ‘Palestine’ in the historical land of Israel.
Before flying to Antarctica, Kerry expressed gratitude for New Zealand having become “such a key contributor to global peace and security, including through their recent and very productive term on the UN Security Council”.
Sunday, after his discussions with Key, the two men gave a tightly-scripted press conference, permitting only three questions. Apart from a mutual love fest on the relations between the two countries and, as mentioned, a primary focus on ‘climate change’, the press event gave barely a nod in the direction of the Syrian war and migrant crisis, “and many other international challenges from building schools to vaccinating children to the counter piracy efforts in the Gulf of Aden”.
Glaringly absent was any reference to the usually omnipresent Israeli-Palestinian Arab conflict. Why is this notable?

It is notable because when New Zealand was rotated onto the Security Council on January 1, 2015 and Foreign Minister Murray McCully stated that his country’s two year term “will place us at the heart of international decision-making for the next two years,” a major goal of the Key government was to “punch way above our weight,” (of a total population of just five million) “and use the opportunity to push Israel and the Arabs effectively towards the ‘two state solution’”.
One day earlier – on December 31, 2014 – an Australian no-vote on that country’s final day on the Council narrowly thwarted an Arab effort to do what it is believed Obama might be about to try and achieve: the PLO sought to use the UN to garner internationally recognized statehood status via a Jordanian draft resolution that would have fixed a one-year deadline for Israeli-Palestinian negotiations, requiring Israeli withdrawal to pre-1967 lines, and declaring Jerusalem the capital of ‘Palestine’.
Only Australia and the United States voted against that resolution – the Australian vote meaning that the US did not have to use its veto that time. (Obama could not then use his having done Israel this ‘favour’ as leverage when Netanyahu went to Washington to oppose the US-led nuclear agreement with Iran.)
As New Zealand entered the Security Council, McCully let it be known that, unlike Australia, his country would have abstained or perhaps even voted in favour of that Jordanian resolution.
In June 2015, as NZ was about to hold its first month-long presidency of the Council, Jerusalem expressed unease that Wellington was strongly considering concrete steps to force a solution upon Israel.
A French initiative in a similar direction appeared to stay the hand of the Key government at that time, but in mid-March this year, an angry McCully urged the UNSC to respond “appropriately” to what was termed an “Israeli land grab” after the Israeli government exercised its fully legal right (under both Israeli and international law) to appropriate non-private (i.e. state controlled) land near the Dead Sea.
McCully insisted (against the UN founding charter which upholds League of Nations-promulgated international law legitimising the close settlement by Jews of the ancestral heartland of the Jewish people) that these “settlements” contravene international law.
“Israel’s settlement activity continues to threaten the viability of a two state solution,” he fumed. “For the Council to do nothing while the scope for a ‘two state solution’ is completely undermined would be a total abrogation of its responsibilities.”
In August, Politik reported on the waning hope of the Key government to be able to realize its “much promoted Middle East showpiece plan” before its UNSC term expired:
“The plan was to have been a centrepiece of New Zealand’s time on the Security Council. [Still] New Zealand diplomats in New York are optimistic [their country] might still in its remaining four months on the Council be able to do something.”
The Times of Israel at the time referred to New Zealand as a “diplomatic bantamweight which, although the Key government had been considered a close friend of Jerusalem, is currently convinced that the peace process needs to be advanced, if necessary by forcing a solution on the parties”.
And indeed, this past Sunday (November 13) the New Zealand Herald reported that one of the closed-door discussions between Kerry and Key was a potential UNSC resolution on the ‘two state solution’.
McCully had even raised the possibility of the US or New Zealand still sponsoring such a resolution. jerusalemwatchman.org
Also here kehilanews.com
There is reason to doubt the current New Zealand's government's love for Israel.
Following the passing of resolutions in UNESCO that deny Jewish and Christian connections to the Temple Mount, many world leaders spoke out. New Zealand politicians did not.
Further, some leaders of countries that were not part of the voting have spoken out. Notably, Australia’s Foreign Minister, Julie Bishop, condemned the resolutions as “Highly politicised, unbalanced and provocative”.
Shalom.Kiwi contacted New Zealand Foreign Minister, Murray McCully, for comment. McCully has been outspoken about the lack of leadership in the UN – specifically impotence with regard to Syria and perceived misuse of veto powers. However, when it comes to showing his own leadership, McCully found himself unwilling to take a strong position, saying only that both sides need to preserve “each other’s legitimate historical and religious connections to the land”
McCully's full response is here shalom.kiwi
There is some history here on 29.10.2015
Israeli officials summoned New Zealand's ambassador to Tel Aviv on Wednesday to express their displeasure with the government in Wellington for attempting to re-start Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations by using its position as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council.
New Zealand is one of the 10 temporary members of the 15-member Security Council and its foreign minister, Murray McCully, was in Israel earlier this year. jpost

There is a specific prophecy that at a time the enemies of Israel would say they owned God's holy place, then the God of Israel would act.
Thou son of man, prophesy unto the mountains of Israel, and say, Ye mountains of Israel, hear the word of the LORD: Thus saith the Lord GOD; Because the enemy hath said against you, Aha, even the ancient high places are ours in possession: Therefore prophesy and say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Because they have made you desolate, and swallowed you up on every side, that ye might be a possession unto the residue of the heathen, and ye are taken up in the lips of talkers, and are an infamy of the people:
Therefore, ye mountains of Israel, hear the word of the Lord GOD; Thus saith the Lord GOD to the mountains, and to the hills, to the rivers, and to the valleys, to the desolate wastes, and to the cities that are forsaken, which became a prey and derision to the residue of the heathen that are round about; Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Surely in the fire of my jealousy have I spoken against the residue of the heathen, and against all Idumea, which have appointed my land into their possession with the joy of all their heart, with despiteful minds, to cast it out for a prey.
Prophesy therefore concerning the land of Israel, and say unto the mountains, and to the hills, to the rivers, and to the valleys, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I have spoken in my jealousy and in my fury, because ye have borne the shame of the heathen: Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD; I have lifted up mine hand, Surely the heathen that are about you, they shall bear their shame. But ye, O mountains of Israel, ye shall shoot forth your branches, and yield your fruit to my people of Israel; for they are at hand to come.(Ezekiel 36:1-8 )
When they 'come' they would need houses. Let us ponder that there were many houses lost in New Zealand, just after they are talking the 2 State Solution which is related to stopping Jews building houses on the mountains of Israel. There is also specific declaration regarding this,
Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will sow the house of Israel and the house of Judah with the seed of man, and with the seed of beast. And it shall come to pass, that like as I have watched over them, to pluck up, and to break down, and to throw down, and to destroy, and to afflict; so will I watch over them, to build, and to plant, saith the LORD.(Jeremiah 31:27-28)
Is this enough reason to give a warning- that New Zealand would loose yet more houses if they touch those living on the mountains of Israel?
New Zealand, Hungary and the EU
There were two things done at once. We know that after Brexit that the merchants of Tarshish (India) are not to be allied with the EU. The quake shook up the Hungarian president who was visiting New Zealand.
Key says visiting Hungarian president ‘terrified’ during quake bloomberg.com
He also said Hungary was an important trade partner for New Zealand and played a role in New Zealand's efforts to develop even closer relations with the European Union. tvnz.co.nz
The Minister of Trade and Rotorua MP Todd McClay said Hungary was important to New Zealand because of its place in the European Union. New Zealand taking the initiative to shore up European allies in view of this years Brexit vote to opt out of the EU? “We were doing it anyway,” Mr McClay said.
“But the simple answer is: ‘yes’. We don’t want to take any relationship in Europe for granted. steamnmud.co.nz
He also said Hungary was an important trade partner and played a role in New Zealand's efforts to develop even closer relations with the European Union. nz.news.yahoo.com
These 'closer relations' could be shaken up.
Real Consequences
There are direct effects which may have ripples of consequences,
Key was meeting national emergency officials later on Monday morning and postponed a trip to Argentina, where he had planned to hold a series of trade meetings ahead of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) leaders' summit in Peru later in the week. news18.com
We have no idea what other ripples there will be. Will the quake affect what can be done? Will the plans of McCully be frustrated?
And it appears the two countries are doing more than simply healing the wounds of the past -- in particular, they are working together at the UN Security Council on Middle Eastern peace issues.
Also travelling to the Middle East this week is McCully. He will go to Jordan, Israel, and the occupied Palestinian territories and to attend the Sir Bani Yas Forum in Abu Dhabi.
Hosted annually by the United Arab Emirates, the Forum is a leading venue for discussing peace and security issues in the Middle East.
And he told journalists after the meetings yesterday that his trip coincides with a revival in interest in New Zealand’s Security Council initiative to try and get a resolution acknowledging the two-state solution for Israel and Palestine.
A previous attempt by McCully was apparently blocked by the US but now, he says, there is a possibility that the US will initiate something. “There has been more recent word that the Palestinian leadership has asked the Arab group to advance something through the Arab group representative on the Council, Egypt,” he said.“We are engaged in discussion on these matters. “I’ll be talking to most of the key foreign ministers this week so it’s a conversation we are engaged in deeply and we spent some time talking to Secretary Kerry about where we might go on this.”
There are difficulties particularly getting agreement from the Arab group that this might be a way forward.
In September United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called for intensified efforts to encourage Israelis and Palestinians to “ change the current destructive trajectory of the conflict, which is heading towards a “one-state reality” rather than a peaceful resolution.”“Unfortunately, we are further than ever from its goals. The two-state solution is at risk of being replaced by a one-state reality of perpetual violence and occupation,” he warned. “The decades-long policy that has settled more than 500,000 Israelis in Palestinian territory is diametrically opposed to the creation of a Palestinian state,” he said. “Let me be absolutely clear: settlements are illegal under international law. The occupation, stifling and oppressive, must end,” he said.
McCully agreed with Ban Ki Moon saying that it was clear that the two-state solution was under serious threat.“Some form of reassertion of that principle is called for,” he said.
McCully will go to New York to the Security Council within the next few weeks as New Zealand's two-year term comes to an end.
In a way, therefore, Kerry’s visit marked the end of an era, first of the Obama administration which has clearly improved the US relationship with New Zealand and secondly of New Zealand’s time at the centre of world politics. politik.co.nz
The Town near the Epicentre: Crayish and Kerry
A more modern name from which today's Kaikoura is derived is Te Ahi Kaikoura a Tama ki te Rangi (the fire that cooked the crayfish of Tama ki te Rangi). Tama ... thekaikouraguide.com
Is not my word like as a fire? saith the LORD; and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces?(Jer 23:29)
Crayfish are unclean animals and the Hebrew the word Kerry is associated with uncleanness.
Keri in Hebrew implies chance, accident, unintended, not planned-for, unpremeditated. A nocturnal emission, or the bearer of one, is called KERI due to it often not being the result of conscious intent. To act KERI with God ("going" Keri) is to conduct oneself as if God does not exist or does not care one way or the other. We are warned that if we go Keri with God then HE will go Keri with us. This means that HE will act as if HE has withdrawn HIS Benevolence from us and accordingly we shall suffer. WE are warned by the Almighty NOT to go KERI with HIM!
The word KERI in Hebrew connotes without intent, undeliberate. A male who has a nocturnal emission is referred to as KERI: The seed came out whilst he slept or at least without him having conscious control over it. Such a person is UNCLEAN, polluted. In Biblical times he would need to immerse himself in a pool of water.
So too, someone who behaves as if there is no Divine Providence and as if God does not control the word is considered as going as if it is all by chance. He denies the Almighty or at least he denies the involvement of God in the world. In the Bible this is called "GOING KERI" [taylekh keri].
God says that if you go KERI with HIM then HE will go KERI with you i.e. HE will abandon you and you will be given over to calamities and dreadful disasters.
Going Keri is translated as being hostile.
Leviticus 26:
21 If you [go KERI with me] [continue hostile to me [KERI] , and will not obey me, I will continue to plague you sevenfold for your sins.

22 I will let loose wild animals against you, and they shall bereave you of your children and destroy your livestock; they shall make you few in number, and your roads shall be deserted.
23 If in spite of these punishments you have not turned back to me, but continue hostile [going KERI] to me, 24 then I too will continue hostile [KERI] to you: I myself will strike you sevenfold for your sins. hebrewnations.com
Keri is a Hebrew term which literally means "happenstance", "frivolity" or "contrariness" See also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keri
Kerry from Celtic means 'dark'. It was John Kerry's Jewish grandparents who changed the name from Kohn to Kerry and who changed their faith to become Catholic. And the one thing everyone noted about this quake a very old lady survived but her son died and some livestock- 3 cows were left stranded. In additions so many roads were cut they have become deserted…
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