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Why is Psalm 145 missing a verse?

29th July 2012, hej


4) The Faithful Servant

To Jews the letter nun is quite special,

The letter NUN has a numerical value of fifty, and is the symbol of faithfulness.
There are two forms of the letter NUN: the bent one and the elongated one. The long NUN is only used at the end of a word.
The Hebrew word for soul (neshamah), and candle (ner) both begin with the letter NUN.
The Hebrew word for faithful one, ne'eman, is signified by the letter NUN.
Bje Hebrew

It is thought that the letter 'nun' refers to the faithful servant. This applied to Moses, where being a servant was the highest honour. And that the 50 also refers to when the Torah was given, as the “yoke of the kingdom of Heaven”, so that the people would be servants of the kingdom of Heaven. (see youtube on 'nun')

So Psalm 145 is thought to be the song of the faithful servant. This is why it is said so often as a prayer.

Also from the form of the Hebrew word, nun, and perhaps the fact that it is one of the 8 letters in classical Hebrew given a 'crown' of three tagin, the letter itself is now seen as a picture of bowed servant.

Nun is said to represent both faithfulness and the reward for faithfulness. ..Rashi said that this orthography suggests that the one who is humble before God will stand upright in the final day. In the olam hazeh (present life), this means that the tzaddik (righteous man) will simultaneously affirm: "I am nothing but dust," and "the world itself was made for my sake." Hebrew4Christians

The meaning of the letter 'nun' in all its different parts fits Psalm 145. The Psalm is entirely praise of God, and speaks of all the earth and 'all creatures' (and does not mention Israel). It begins with confidence in a future of praising God as king forever,

A Psalm of praise; of David. I will extol Thee, my God, O King; and I will bless Thy name for ever and ever. Every day will I bless Thee; and I will praise Thy name for ever and ever. (Psalm 145:1-2)

Topics: Psalm